Ms Liz MacWhirter
University of Glasgow
Theopoetics: Giving Voice to Julian of Norwich and Trauma Spirituality in the Climate Crisis
ABSTRACT: Building on Callid Keefe-Perry’s quest for theopoetics to transcend art forms and deliver social impact, this paper explores the making of BLUE: A LAMENT FOR THE SEA. Through poetry, BLUE voices new critical insights at the intersections between trauma research, trauma-informed spirituality, and the medieval mystic ‘Julian of Norwich’. BLUE: A LAMENT FOR THE SEA articulates Julian’s paradoxical holding of loss as a framework for ecological grief, with a lamenting hope that can engender action. It inspired intermedial collaborations with artistic theologians: film-maker Jonathan Kearney and choreographer Sander Vloebergs. It was selected for performance by Hidden Door Arts Festival, All Borders Blur, Yale University Graduate Conference in Religion and Ecology, Mystical Theology Network, and the European Forum for Religion and the Environment.
Liz MacWhirter is completing her PhD (Theology through Creative Practice) at the University of Glasgow. BLACK SNOW FALLING (Scotland Street Press 2018), her debut novel, was nominated for the Carnegie Medal. She performed BLUE: A LAMENT FOR THE SEA at Yale GCRE 2023 and Hidden Door Arts Festival 2022. Other poetry is published by Lucy’s Writers, 4M Netlabel and Theology in Scotland. Previously as a copywriter, Liz's work won over 20 creative industry awards for originality and impact.