Bachelor Mercedes Lennon


Mercedes Lennon

Pierre & Mohamed: Witnesses consecrated to a life in relationship

ABSTRACT: This text proposes a reflection between three figures that complement each other as an hermeneutic key to approach at  the play " Pierre & Mohamed" ( 2018) by Adrien Candiard:  the recovery of the face (Levinas)  as a visible boundery of an indispensable singularity to build a bridge towards the other for whom we are responsable
and, on the other hand, hospitality ( Derrida) as a cipher for dialectical overcoming in the construction of a plural humanism based on the idea that the human being is a searcher of a truth whose possession cannot be arrogated because truth is much more than what a man can conceive. In the center of this drama, the birth to the name is the figure of the relationship between the Self-the Same and the Other.

Mercedes Lennon (Buenos Aires, 1958) is Professor (1981) and Bachelor in Letters (2012) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). She participates in the Permanent Interdisciplinary Seminar of Literature, Aesthetics and Theology (SIPLET) at the Faculty of Theology (UCA) and is also member of ALALITE (Latin American Association of Literature and Theology).  
She has participated in Colloquiums in the areas of Literature, Theology, Aesthetics, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Argentine, Chile, Brazil and Rome. Her main field of study is poetry.

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