Dr. Mariano Carou

Universidad del Salvador

Dr. Mariano Carou

Pierre et Mohamed: Drama and Effectiveness of the Symbol

ABSTRACT: In Pierre & Mohamed (Adrien Candiard), based on the martyrdom of Pierre Claverie and his car driver, we can see how symbols contribute to the plot, and how they can help to build a bridge through violence and division. Symbols, in fact, are themselves are a sort of "mise en abyme" of what 'drama' is, because among the tensions and forces that act in them (according to the meaning of symbol), there is an start of reconciliation that can contribute to solve conflicts, maybe not such a war, but to create a common conscience of peace, respect and empathy towards those who think in a different way.

Mariano Carou, PhD (1969). Master in Comparative Literature. He works as a teacher and researcher in Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires). Author of many articles about Theopoetics, and the first handbook about this subject in Spanish: "In Principio Erat Verbum. Apuntes de Teopoética". Also author of: "Filigranas. Ensayos sobre Literatura Alemana Contemporánea" and "Filosofía Gourmet. Apuntes para una gastrosofía rioplatense".

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