Prof Jean Ward
Professor of English Literature, University of Gdansk, Poland
Jean Ward is Professor of Literature in English at the Institute of English and American
Studies, University of Gdańsk, Poland. She specializes in 20th and 21st century poetry in English, especially religious poetry; Catholicism and literature; comparative literature (Polish-English) and literary translation. Her publications include a study in Polish of the reception of T.S. Eliot’s poetry (Kraków: Universitas 2001); Christian Poetry in the Post-Christian Day: Geoffrey Hill, R.S. Thomas, Elizabeth Jennings (Peter Lang 2009); The Between-Space of Translation: Literary Sketches (Gdańsk 2020). She is the co-editor of volume III in the Power of the Word series, Poetic Revelations: Word Made Flesh Made Word (Routledge 2017).