Prof Malgorzata Grzegorzewska

Professor of English Literature, University of Warsaw, Poland

Małgorzata Grzegorzewska is a Professor of Literature in the Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw. Her work explores the connections among literature, philosophy and theology. Her extensive publications on Shakespeare and English metaphysical poetry include Herbert and Post-Phenomenology: A Gift for Our Times (2016) and a study in Polish of religious themes in Shakespeare’s plays (Teologie Szekspira, 2018) and a . She is the author of Eliot's Christianity in a Contemporary Perspective. From Hindsight to Insight (2021) and co-editor, with Mark Burrows and Jean Ward, of Poetic Revelations. Word Made Flesh Made Word (Routledge 2017), a collection of critical essays in the Power of the Word series.

The University of Warsaw

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