About The Project

Potw Logo Blue 100The Power of the Word. In recording, presenting and interpreting human experience imaginatively, the written word has the potential, for authors, readers and listeners alike, to be not only a source of delight but also a way of exploring, discovering, understanding, revealing and transforming both the self and the world.

The idea of the Power of the Word Project took shape in late 2010 as an initiative to stimulate genuinely interdisciplinary work on 'the Word' in various fields: in the arts, scripture, philosophy and traditions of religious faith and practice. The aim was to foster conversations between creative writers, scholars, students and other interested readers in literature, philosophy, theology, biblical studies, ethics and related areas. In 2011, The Power of the Word Project was inaugurated with a conference at Heythrop College, University of London. Following the closure of Heythrop, the project was relaunched independently with its first event taking place at Sapienza University, Rome, in 2024.

From the outset the project was intentionally interdisciplinary, international and cross-cultural in scope. We welcome scholars, students, writers and readers with different backgrounds, encouraging discussion of authors and texts from diverse languages and cultures and literary, philosophical, religious and secular traditions. A primary aim is to advance education in the 'public square' by providing a context for fruitful dialogue among people interested in these different fields. We do this by means of conferences, colloquia, seminars, lectures and related events alongside publication of books and presentations, online videos and occasional podcasts. These events and publications encompass both work on theoretical issues and case studies of particular writers and texts.

The project currently has a substantial established core of collaborators from all over the world and an aspiration to encourage new groups of scholars, students, readers and creative writers worldwide to take the project forward at a local level. Launching an open access online journal to complement the book publications is another hope for the future.

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